Tracy’s Automotive on Maple Street can help you if your car runs hot.
You were headed home from the Esports Festival when it happened. Your car ran hot.
“Engines overheat for many reasons. Generally, cars overheat because of a problem with the cooling system that doesn’t allow heat to leave the engine compartment. This is often due to a leak or blockage somewhere in the engine cooling system or other components. Other sources may be from a faulty or broken water pump or radiator fan, or from a clogged coolant hose,” according to Geico Insurance.
Geico adds, “Certain driving conditions, like stop-and-go traffic on a hot day, can put significant stress on the cooling system, causing it to fail. Fortunately, you can usually avoid this problem with regular maintenance by a certified mechanic, who will check your car’s coolant and oil levels and inspect hoses, fans, the thermostat, and other parts in the cooling system.”
If your car does start running hot or spewing steam from under the hood, Geico recommends you turn on the heater, pull over and wait.
“When you’ve waited at least 15 minutes and the hood is cool to the touch, put on gloves, open the hood, and locate the radiator cap (consult the owner’s manual if necessary) … Cover the cap with a towel and slowly push down and loosen it a quarter of a turn, to release pressure that has built up as a result of the coolant expanding when heated. Then fully open the radiator cap and slowly add coolant—half water, half antifreeze—until the liquid reaches the ‘full’ line. You should also add coolant to the small, clear plastic overflow reservoir mounted to the side of the radiator … Next, replace the cap and turn on the engine, Geico says.
If the temperature gauge is back to normal or the red warning light goes off, you can carefully drive to a Wichita auto repair shop. If the gauge does not go back to normal, it’s time to call a tow truck to take your car to a trusted mechanic.
If you don’t have trusted Wichita auto care and auto repair technician to keep your car in good condition and to repair it when things do go wrong, it’s time to meet the Wichita car care specialists at Tracy’s Automotive.
Tracy’s Automotive is here to help you. If you don’t have time or feel you can take your car to the shop, Tracy’s Automotive will pick it up at your home or work. Then, after your car is serviced or repaired, Tracy’s Automotive will bring it back to you thoroughly cleaned.
Tracy’s passion for a better tire buying, auto care and auto repair experience drove us to develop the model of Tracy’s Automotive Tire Pros. Tracy’s has turned hard work and inspiration into a booming tire and auto repair provider. Now Tracy’s has three locations and serves customers all over Wichita and Goddard – Maple Street auto care and auto repair, E First Street N and W 21st Street N.. Tracy’s is thrilled to be a part of your family’s trusted brands for all auto repair and tire needs.
Tracy’s Automotive is a proud dealer for Jasper Engines and Vogue Performance Exhaust systems.
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