Tracy’s Automotive is here to help when your check engine and other warning lights come on.
When you started your car this morning, all the dashboard lights lit up the way they normally do. But, instead of cutting off as usual, your tire pressure light and the check engine light remained on. Your reaction was a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.
Don’t panic yet. The lights might not mean anything. Cold weather can cause warning lights to come on even when there’s no problem, according to But don’t relax too much and blow them off because you assume it’s a cold weather issue. Those lights could be telling you something.
“When it comes to our cars, steep temperature drops can trigger a sign of winter that we don’t welcome: a yellow or orange low tire pressure warning light,” says. “When your light comes on, your car is simply telling you that you need more air in your tire and this time of year, the warning is usually related to chilly nights.”
You should put some air in your tires and see if the light goes away. If it does, there’s likely no problem. If it doesn’t, then it’s time to let a certified Wichita auto repair tire expert take a look.
As for your check engine light, advises: “A glowing check engine light doesn’t mean you have to immediately pull the car over to the side of the road, but it does mean you should get the car checked out as soon as possible. Ignoring the warning light could severely damage engine components and incur additional repair expenses.
“If your check engine light comes on, first check the gas cap to make sure it wasn’t left loose after refueling. Sometimes this can trigger the check engine light. If the cap was loose, the light should go out after a few short trips.”
If the light doesn’t go out, then it’s time to see your trusted auto care technician. And, if the light is blinking, that’s a warning to immediately take your car to a reliable Wichita auto repair shop like Tracy’s Automotive.
Tracy’s Automotive is here to help you. If you don’t have time or feel you can take your car to the shop, Tracy’s Automotive will pick it up at your home or work. Then, after your car is serviced or repaired, Tracy’s Automotive will bring it back to you thoroughly cleaned.
Tracy’s passion for a better tire buying, auto care and auto repair experience drove us to develop the model of Tracy’s Automotive Tire Pros. Tracy’s has turned hard work and inspiration into a booming tire and auto repair provider. Now Tracy’s has three locations and serves customers all over Wichita and Goddard. Tracy’s is thrilled to be a part of your family’s trusted brands for all auto repair and tire needs.
Tracy’s Automotive is a proud dealer for Jasper Engines and Vogue Performance Exhaust systems.
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