Tracy’s Automotive can help if your spark plugs give out.
You had a rough ride home from the Dogs! exhibition at Exploration Place over the weekend. Your car was hard to start, the check engine light came on and you could smell unburned fuel.
Your car could be experiencing many issues, but it sounds as if you have problems with your spark plugs. explains: “Spark plugs are among the smallest and least complex parts of an engine. They’re also critical pieces of hardware. An engine cannot run without them. If even a single plug becomes clogged with carbon, a vehicle will suffer a noticeable loss in performance.
“Today, many vehicles come equipped with platinum- or iridium-tipped spark plugs engineered to last 100,000 miles. However, not all will go the distance. The gap between spark plug electrodes can widen over time, and the plug can become dirty or even damaged.”
Your best bet is to take your car to a trusted mechanic to check things out, track down and cure the problem.You can find a reliable Wichita auto repair specialist at Tracy’s Automotive.
Tracy’s Automotive is here to help you. If you don’t have time or feel you can take your car to the shop, Tracy’s Automotive will pick it up at your home or work. Then, after your car is serviced or repaired, Tracy’s Automotive will bring it back to you thoroughly cleaned.
Tracy’s passion for a better tire buying, auto care and auto repair experience drove us to develop the model of Tracy’s Automotive Tire Pros. Tracy’s has turned hard work and inspiration into a booming tire and auto repair provider. Now Tracy’s has three locations and serves customers all over Wichita and Goddard – Maple Street auto care and auto repair, E First Street N and W 21st Street N.. Tracy’s is thrilled to be a part of your family’s trusted brands for all auto repair and tire needs.
Tracy’s Automotive is a proud dealer for Jasper Engines and Vogue Performance Exhaust systems.
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